菊芋薯條,黃薑鯖魚,哇沙米cream -----一些從沒吃過的東西?

菊芋薯條,黃薑鯖魚,哇沙米cream -----一些從沒吃過的東西?
炸Jerusalem artichoke薯條和黃薑鯖魚

那個節目是兩個騎著摩托車到處旅遊烹飪的大壯漢,說到Bury Market: best in UK,
他們去了號稱「世界有名」「英國最好」的Bury Market,

這個Bury Market真的非常大,食物衣服什麼都有,我覺得最好玩的是那裏的蔬菜很新鮮,

像我就發現一種「向日葵種,花長得像菊花的根莖」,叫做Jerusalem artichoke(菊芋)從沒見過,買回家。
菊芋薯條,黃薑鯖魚,哇沙米cream -----一些從沒吃過的東西?

Jerusalem artichoke(菊芋)這東西跟耶路撒冷無關,也完全跟artichoke打不著關係,

菊芋薯條,黃薑鯖魚,哇沙米cream -----一些從沒吃過的東西?

菊芋薯條,黃薑鯖魚,哇沙米cream -----一些從沒吃過的東西?

菊芋薯條,黃薑鯖魚,哇沙米cream -----一些從沒吃過的東西?

菊芋薯條,黃薑鯖魚,哇沙米cream -----一些從沒吃過的東西?


當天就做了炸Jerusalem artichoke薯條和黃薑鯖魚(markerel)
這個Jerusalem artichoke比較像白蘿蔔的質感,甜甜的,聽說快炒像馬蹄一樣。

若你不太喜歡秋刀魚的腥味,也可以用這個方式做, 我只是抹上黃薑粉和少許咖哩粉還有鹽酒,醃過煎熟,就蠻好吃的。
這樣就比較不嗆鼻了,如果你不太敢吃日式的哇沙米,可這樣做,像是有芥末味的美乃滋, 做配海鮮等吃很合適喔。 這個醬請依自己口味調配,小心哇沙米加太多會很嗆喔!

上一則:港式叉燒焗麵包(補叉燒做法) 下一則:我很高興,就這樣卡在部落格的世界裏了
  • calla
    2008-05-09 10:59:56
    小熊, I was so scarred by my one-and-only fresh mackerel experience that I've never tried it again. I actually like its very fine flesh but I can't get over its fishy smell. Strangely enough, smoked mackerel has much less prononced 'ordor'. So that's what I mostly have. Perhaps I should try your suggestion using tumeric, curry powder and wine to marinade the fish first before pan frying. Cheers for the tip. Glad to see you get over the recent 'episode' quickly. It's of no use to dwell on people who can only get satisfaction in life by attacking others. If only they could re-direct the vicious energy towards themsevles to do something constructive, say finding a 'better' description of 菊芋 to start with?
    版主回覆 2008-05-09 12:02:46
    You are my great friend!! I love you so much! 可惜我猜大概也有人看不懂你寫什麼, 什麼叫re-direct the vicious energy towards themsevles to do something constructive 我猜有人大概查字典還是看不懂吧 Fresh mackerel is really fishy, but it very good for our health I love smoked mackerel too. For this kind of fish, we need put quite heavy spices to marinate it. Most importantly, buy it 「very」fresh.
  • JK Eli
    2008-05-08 09:11:53
    甚麼是"像我就發現一種像向日葵的菊花的根莖" 令人看不明唸不通 你是發現那像向日葵的菊花?還是發現那根莖?還是你是園藝愛好者,一眼便看得出那根莖長出 來的會是像向日葵的菊花,但又不是向日葵? 在網上翻資料再搬字過紙嗎? 我開始明白mimi的意思 應該用露餡還是見底來形容你呢?
  • shirleyli
    2008-05-06 07:04:59
    砌出來好像白瓜魚 用菊芋製作薯條 真的新口味
  • 卡蘿
    2008-05-01 18:30:58
    這個菊芋好特別喔﹐卡蘿剛剛看到圖片還以為是薑咧~(大概是最近幫我弟妹作月子餐 作太走火入魔了。。。)~竟然可以當馬鈴薯作薯條。。。稀奇耶~ 卡蘿也很喜歡嘗試新東西﹐不過儘止於蔬菜類。。。像兔子這種卡蘿就連看都不敢 多看一眼。。。黑布丁也覺得有點怪怪的。。。 ﹕-( 一定錯過很多美味自己都不 知道。。。不過這些東西就算到了卡蘿手裡﹐大概也是碰到跟上次那堆beets一樣的 命運﹐所以也不算虧太多吧。。。嘻嘻~
    版主回覆 2008-05-09 11:37:39
    我是比較喜歡試新東西 這東西不是好吃也不難吃 勸不敢亂吃的卡羅別試喔
  • MMsBlog
    2008-05-01 04:23:52
  • gimmy1110的先生
    2008-04-30 21:27:13
    One more thing to add. Whe you butcher the joints there is a thin bit of skin which joins the rib cage to the lower torso - the belly skin on a person. It will have been halved during the drawing process but can bee removed to give 2 very small useless looking bits of skin. These are a great delicacy. Just fry them on a high heat seasoning as you cook and they will shrink and thicken to give 2 mini steaks which are traditionally served on toast as the 'chefs perk'. Enjoy!!
    版主回覆 2008-05-01 04:13:02
    Thank you so much for your really useful information, I will bear that in mind. I actually have just done my rabbit cooking tonight, and I made it three ways! I kind of knew your principle intrusively. I think I did pretty a good job. I stirred fry it , strew (British way) and 「Chinese 3 cups rabbit」 My husband and I were really like them. I cannot agree you more rabbit is a really good thing to eat. Fat free, and tasty! We will buy it again, I think. By the way, say hello to gimmy1110, I am really glad for her help too. :)
  • gimmy1110的先生
    2008-04-30 21:22:34
    The removed meat should then be mixed with a good quantity of high saturate fat such as pork fat or fatty pork mince as part of a marinade where it can then be cooked quickly as if it were chicken such as in a stir fry or burgers. As you are an asian specialist -my wife will testify- I had alot a success marinading it in yellowbean sauce before frying it into a sweet sauce with green beens. The traditional way in south Europe is to press it into Kebabs after mixing it with alot of spice and then grilling the meat. If you are going for the jointed option then you should slow cook it English style in a casserole for about 2 hrs on less than 150 deg making sure that the stock has some fat added to reduce the drying tendency.Either way you must keep some bone to make a soup foundation. This soup will be the basis for further casseroles using other game meats such as duck, pigeon or other fowl. Hope that helps.
  • gimmy1110的先生
    2008-04-30 21:21:31
    The problem with rabbit is the meat is quite tough because in their lives they run around alot; this means that it must be cooked for quite along time to make it tender. The contradiction in this is that the meat also has very low fat content so unless you add fat from another source it has a dendency to dry. It is however in my mind one of the finest meats to eat in the world..... think of it as fat free duck leg meat. I am guessing you have a whole unbutchered rabbit? Best thing as a starter is to do one of 2 things: Either quarter the meat on the bone into 2 legs with the hunch still attached and then 2 fore legs with the shoulders attached, or try and so a 'scalpel' job with a very sharp knife removing as much meat as is possible.
  • michelle212
    2008-04-30 15:12:19
    哇..今天的料理都沒看過耶!! 感覺好特別哦,小熊對沒嚐過的食材充滿好奇耶 如果是我都怕怕的不敢嚐試^^" 思微
    版主回覆 2008-05-01 04:18:58
    我是比較敢嘗試沒錯 嘿嘿
  • hungskcl
    2008-04-30 11:44:25
    好想知道"黑布丁"和"菊芋' 吃起來是什麼味道ㄋㄟ 好想去逛逛喔
    版主回覆 2008-05-01 04:18:04
  • limpepsi
    2008-04-30 08:15:56
    兔子呀?我以前做月子的时候吃了不少。妈妈说,兔子滋阴。 最常的吃法都是兔肉炒姜片,青葱。加些自家酿的葡萄黄酒(料酒也行啦),焖一焖,好 吃极了!不过,有些兔肉很硬,像橡皮筋。
    版主回覆 2008-05-01 04:17:21
    我也做了炒的耶 我先泡水醃過 還不錯咧 挺嫩的 又完全不油 真是好東西
  • J.C.
    2008-04-30 07:28:06
    三杯兔~我只有在小時候吃過一次 印象有點模糊,只記得好吃夠味完全不柴XD JC
    版主回覆 2008-05-01 04:15:52
    我真煮了三杯兔 不錯喔
  • vivialwaysin
    2008-04-30 05:43:03
    哇 我對那一櫃火腿比較有興趣 黑布丁真的每次都無法下手 到現在還不知道什麼滋味 菊芋也是第一次看到呢 世界真奇妙
    版主回覆 2008-05-01 04:15:15
    我們也買了些火腿,不錯咧 黑布丁是蠻詭異的東西 我承認~
  • oebaby7
    2008-04-30 05:26:26
    哇好多都從沒見過 難怪小熊的部落格常常可以有特別的菜跟醬料 果然喜歡嘗鮮^^
    版主回覆 2008-04-30 12:15:53
    我以前也好愛一隻貓 也死了 跟你家有點像耶 遇到好姊妹喔! ^^