





上一則:介紹好吃的小餅乾 下一則:好不容易才出爐的:「真食味」的得獎人
  • ansoy
    2009-01-20 00:38:42
    hello..is me again...hows manchester?? i used to have some friends live there..but they've all gone back home (hk).... is been cold again in bournemouth....um.... bournemouth is in Dorset..about 45 mins drive from southampton...um...we have a nice beach here (when its summer...^^)... u must come down here to see... the book with ur signature??Yeah~~ i'll take it....haha..but how should i give my details to u? send it to ur email??do u mind to take cheque?? looking forward to hear from u..
    版主回覆 2009-01-20 03:42:27
    我去過Dorset和cornwall喔 很漂亮的地方 不過可以想見現在一定好冷啊! 冬天在那裡應該很不好受吧? 你可以email給我 i_kai_1999@yahoo.com.tw 我把書寄給你 cheque可以沒問題的 謝謝你^^
  • ansoy
    2009-01-19 00:09:02
    hello... thank you for the reply... i'm in eng as well... a place called Bournemouth on the south coast..if u heard this before... u in birmingham??? how much is your book cost each??(i mean how much money...) thanks again....
    版主回覆 2009-01-19 02:33:34
    我有帶幾本回英國喔 如果你有興趣 我可以寄給你耶 一本五鎊加運費+簽名^^ 不過如果你朋友幫你買在台灣書局買 大概是260元台幣吧 約合五鎊喔 我在Manchester囉 Bournemouth 我聽過呀 是在cornwall那裡嗎?
  • ansoy
    2009-01-17 01:42:25
    where about do u live in england???? how much is ur book selling in taiwan? my friend is going to taiwan in a month time, i would like her to get me your book.. \^o^/ thank you
    版主回覆 2009-01-17 02:47:20
    我在中部喔 我也不知賣了多少耶 謝謝你會買我的書^^ 出版社說你們如果常去你們的香港書局問或要求他們訂 香港書局就很可能會向台灣出版社下單 這樣就買得到啦~
  • 匿名
    2009-01-16 08:03:34
    I'm missing TW too. especially my wisdom tooth bother me right now I have to spend a lots of money to put "the one" out tomorrow. I wanna go home.
    版主回覆 2009-01-20 03:43:58
    我可以了解~~~~ 尤其是大把銀子隨著牙痛消失的時候~
  • 芭仔
    2009-01-15 01:40:05
    那能問您是否有做過發糕嘛? 最近我正努力學習做米製發糕(用酵母當發粉, 非用泡打 粉), 可好像不怎麼可口, 傳統米製發糕應該是如何ㄋㄟ? 能麻煩您研究看看嘛?呵.....快過年了, 新年快樂呦! 祝您書一再再版ㄚ.....
    版主回覆 2009-01-15 02:33:43
    用酵母當發粉做米製發糕好像不容易啊 我來找找喔
  • 芭仔
    2009-01-13 08:24:59
    呵, 好家在回台灣了, 這個情景我也遇過, 一整個心情都會好黑暗ㄚ~ 趕緊進廚房吧, 相 信那是你的活力泉源~當然囉, 有空就多回來台灣吧~有會讓你愛恨不已的陽光及吃不盡的 新鮮葉菜.....別打我ㄚ.....祝福新年快樂~ ^_^
    版主回覆 2009-01-13 14:29:44
    真的耶 開始努力研究做什麼啦
  • ameilu
    2009-01-13 05:57:46
    天暗,心要亮呀! 開心點!! 美美
    版主回覆 2009-01-13 14:29:07
  • MMsBlog
    2009-01-13 04:20:14
    小熊的心情我們多少也可以體會啦...最近台灣不到四點半..天也就暗了.. 不過,look on the bright side, 春天就快來了吧^^
    版主回覆 2009-01-13 13:45:37
    這裡是整天灰灰的 好不舒服哩
  • nynina
    2009-01-12 18:22:15
    我來說則笑話。 朋友辦公室裡的長工每天都看華人報紙,大概被近來新聞不景氣的報導嚇壞。 朋友回台前一天,長工殷切囑咐著朋友,「台灣失業率很高,好像很不景 氣哪?變得很可怕的樣子!」 朋友「噢」了一聲之後,長工又說了,「你回去過馬路要小心!」 朋友內心OS,「是怎樣?現在當台灣是什麼可怕的蠻荒小島是嗎?沒水沒 電的是吧?」 希望你心情有好點。
    版主回覆 2009-01-13 13:44:34
    好像沒有~~~嗚嗚 人家喜歡台灣啦~
  • manda
    2009-01-12 13:56:07
    Good to hear that you're back home in England. These two days is very cold here too, this morning was under 2 degree C, and tomorrow morning will be F. 29 (under 0 deg.C) Whew, it must snow in your place, right? Keep your warm jacket on!
    版主回覆 2009-01-13 13:41:20
    我們這不算冷 就是陰霾 讓人心情容易陷入憂鬱 正在想做什麼可以cheer up呢~
  • gimmy1110
    2009-01-12 12:50:13
    Welcome home. I know the sunset comes very early every day these days. However, it is the reality. You will get used very soon. Take a good rest. PS: My husband and I are very happy for you.
    版主回覆 2009-01-13 13:38:27
    不知道耶~~ 就是很難喜歡英國~ 很感謝你們的祝福喔^^