【Tea Time】No.16 Fika Fika Cafe

【Tea Time】No.16 Fika Fika Cafe
【Tea Time】No.16 Fika Fika Cafe

【Tea Time】No.16 Fika Fika Cafe

【Tea Time】No.16 Fika Fika Cafe

【Tea Time】No.16 Fika Fika Cafe

【Tea Time】No.16 Fika Fika Cafe

【Tea Time】No.16 Fika Fika Cafe

【Tea Time】No.16 Fika Fika Cafe

【Tea Time】No.16 Fika Fika Cafe

【Tea Time】No.16 Fika Fika Cafe

【Tea Time】No.16 Fika Fika Cafe

【Tea Time】No.16 Fika Fika Cafe

【Tea Time】No.16 Fika Fika Cafe

在五月一號勞動節那天,我和朋友一起去了位於南京東路的Fika Fika Cafe,「fika」是瑞典文,意思是「一起喝咖啡的休閒時間」,而老板顯然認為一起喝一次還不夠,因此取名fika fika,這樣一天中可以和朋友一起享受很多杯好咖啡的時光。Fika Fika坐落於四平商圈,是個鬧區,但這間咖啡廳鬧中取靜,讓人有一種走進另一個空間的感覺。店裡的大落地窗、木質調裝潢、木頭大桌子、寬敞的空間都營造出一種北歐的悠閒步調。我最喜歡空間寬敞的環境,台北這個城市太擁擠,人太多,大部份的人都很壓抑,每天為了工作和生活而奔波,漸漸的忘記了工作是為了更好的生活,而非全部的生活。捷運日前發生的悲劇,對於傷亡者我們與之同悲,但同時這件事情再度提醒了我們生命的不可預料性,我們每一天都需要好好的過日子,享受自己充滿變數的人生。除此之外,面對那些出現在自己生命中的人,盡力的去愛他們,相互的陪伴與關心,是世界上最難能可貴的情事。

而除了店內優良的環境之外,Fika Fika的咖啡和甜點都是一絕,那天我點的是熱拿鐵還有朋友點的起司蛋糕,對於咖啡我不是很瞭解,只能說這裡的咖啡口味和一般的咖啡廳味道有點不一樣,很特別也很好喝,而蛋糕口感扎實香濃,讓人印象深刻。這是個美好的午後,因為我有能一起談笑的朋友和我分享生活中的美好時刻。

On May 1th , the Labor day in Taiwan, my friend and I went to a very specail cafe shop,  Fika Fika Café, located in NanKing East Rd. Fika is Sweden, means taka a break to drink coffee together. Apparently, the boss thought taking one time is not enough, so name his own shop Fika Fika, then you can enjoy your time drinking coffee together with your friends for many times.

The adornment in Fika Fika is very North Europe style, the French widow, wooden table, bright lights, wide space make me feel very relax, because living in Taipei, the crowed city, there are people everywhere, sometimes is so hard to take a break in live, we are busy at working, we forgot we should take working as a way to have a better life, instead we take working as our whole life. The tragic incident happened in MRT, we pray for the victim, and in the meanwhile, it also remind us the unpredictable of our life.  We should take every day as a blessing, and love everyone around us, the companionship and caring each other is the most important thing in the world.

Except the great environment of this coffee shop, the coffee and dessert are also great. It’s a great afternoon for me, cus I have friends to share all this with me.  


Fika Fika Cafe
FB:Fika Fika Cafe

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