【時尚筆記】Sneaker Fashion

【時尚筆記】Sneaker Fashion


【時尚筆記】Sneaker Fashion

【時尚筆記】Sneaker Fashion【時尚筆記】Sneaker Fashion
【時尚筆記】Sneaker Fashion
【時尚筆記】Sneaker Fashion
【時尚筆記】Sneaker Fashion

【時尚筆記】Sneaker Fashion

【時尚筆記】Sneaker Fashion

【時尚筆記】Sneaker Fashion

【時尚筆記】Sneaker Fashion

【時尚筆記】Sneaker Fashion

【時尚筆記】Sneaker Fashion

【時尚筆記】Sneaker Fashion
【時尚筆記】Sneaker Fashion
【時尚筆記】Sneaker Fashion

【時尚筆記】Sneaker Fashion

【時尚筆記】Sneaker Fashion


For a long time, women choose high heel shoes as a very important source of their style, because it’s sexy and can create more beautiful body shape image.

But actually, wearing high heel shoes is rather a torture, especially the pretties one, the shoe toe area are always very narrow makes it very hard to wear. But still, we can’t find way to reject beautiful shoes, cause just by wearing it, we find ourselves beauty and confidence. I guess men can never understand us.

Since last time I traveled to Korea, I suddenly understood why the sneaker style coming around, cause there are too many stairs and heels, even wore flat shoes make me exhausted. In this case, Sneakers totally set women’s feet free, and even better, we can still looks cool and chic by wearing it. Not just on snap shoot, even on Chanel 2014 s/s show, we can see it appeared. Fashion doesn’t need to be far from our life, sometimes choose things to make you feel comfortable and confident is more important. I like the last picture, these girls dress formally, and they wore sneakers make them more alive, just like saying「we don’t need high heel shoes to gain our self confidence , by wearing these way, we are attractive.」 





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【時尚筆記】Sneaker Fashion
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