Happy Monday!!!
Jessica是個漂亮的日本混血妞 (連我見到她都會害羞的那種無敵漂亮!)
她的部落格之所以取名為Hapa Time就是因為她的“混血”獨特性
hapa的意思就是混血兒意思,源自於夏威夷- 原本是"part"或 "mixed"的代號
可以把Forever21, H&M這些便宜的快時尚品牌和Michael Kors等設計師品牌完美詮釋
還有.... Leah還捕捉了潔西卡可愛的老外男友噢
♥ Congrats on your success in blogging Jessica! Tell us a little about you and what you have been doing in terms of life or career(of course I've already known everything about you but maybe you can tell us a bit further like if you're full time blogging and what inspires your fashion style)..or anything you want to share with our readers :)
我上大學時真心認為我應該畢業後就是要去ㄧ個大城市裡著名的廣告公司上班,所以我主修選擇了“廣告創意”,副修則是“工作室藝術” (註:工作室藝術用來廣泛的代表各種視覺藝術,如繪畫、油畫或雕塑等)。大學畢業後,我邊找工作邊先在我爸公司幫忙平面設計和網頁編輯。大學畢業時還很窮,所以我不想為了只為了替廣告公司上班就要離家,並自己負擔大城市昂貴的房租,而且我也無法想像見不到我親愛的男友....我真的會窮死!所以我決定待在家裡幫忙,同時我開始在網路上寫部落格...那時我真的猶豫不決,不知道自己要何去何從,我想這就是所謂的『25歲危機』吧!過沒多久,我的部落格流量變得很大,也開始越來越多人告訴我我應該當全職部落客。所以我開始全心全意投入寫部落格,同時順便幫忙我爸的公司。這樣已經持續兩年了,而且我真心喜歡!
I went to college thinking I was going to work at a really awesome ad agency in a big city like San Francisco. So I majored in Creative Advertising and minored in Studio Art (artist at heart). When I graduated I worked for my dad as a graphic designer and web editor while trying to figure out where to work. I wasn't ready to move out and pay thousands of dollars a month for rent and never see my boyfriend just so I could work at an ad agency. Most likely I would be scraping by. So I stayed home and took up fashion blogging in the meantime because I was so unsatisfied and couldn't make up my mind otherwise. I think it was like a quarter life crisis. Pretty soon I met some people who told me I should be making a living off of my blog because I put so much time into it and my traffic was worth getting paid for. So I work occasionally for my dad still but my blog has now been my full time job for over 2 years. I love it :)
♥ How do you like being a full-time fashion blogger? Share a typical work day with us.
我天生就是個夜貓子,所以我通常睡很晚,起床後開始回電子郵件,準備出門辦事,買些食物並拍些照片。回到家後運動ㄧ下,跟我男友相處並回電子郵件。接著開始寫文章,編輯照片還有回電子郵件!哈哈... 我的工作50%根本都是在電子郵件的溝通,你們有發現嗎?
I'm a natural night owl so I just like to get up late in the day, answer email, get ready to go out, usually run some errands, grab some food, shoot some pictures. Come home to workout, hang with my boyfriend or answer emails. Then I spend a few hours working on the post, editing photos and then answering more emails. As you can see, my job is 50% about emails!
♥ How do you like your hometown? Compared to NY, which do you like better? What are the fashion differences?
我來自北加州,我對北加, 南加, 和紐約有很錯綜複雜的感情。北加州比較低調且隨性,所以我常常覺得我穿的太誇張了!但因為我抗壓性比較低ㄧ點...所以偶爾還是想穿的隨便隨性點。紐約是個很花花綠綠, 忙碌, 瘋狂, 步調很快且非常昂貴的ㄧ個大城市。紐約是個新時代, 性感的時尚之都,而且所有的設計師品牌都源自紐約,所以我還是很喜歡紐約!南加應該算是北加和紐約的綜合體- 有很多的時尚人但卻又不失加州隨性海灘風。
I have mixed feelings about northern California (my home), southern California and New York. Northern California is really laid back, low key and casual. I often feel over dressed but I do love being relaxed since I don't handle stress that well. New York is fancy. Busy, crazy and stressful. It is often overwhelming and very expensive. I love New York though because the fashion is on fire there. Sleek, sexy, polished and often everything is designer brand. Southern California is probably the best combination of busy New York and relaxed NorCal with a lot of fashionable people but also still pretty chill with the beach vibe.
♥ How would you describe your style?
我的穿搭多元,跟得上潮流,優雅。 My style is versatile, on trend, polished and balanced.
♥ Do you play any sports or exercise regularly? If so, please tell us what makes you love building up that sweat! Could you also please share a pic of your sporty outfit?
十八歲前我做很多的運動像是體操, 踢踏舞, 網球, 空手道, 足球, 排球等等。但我十八歲後就沒有再繼續做那些運動了,我幾天會去ㄧ次健身房。二十一歲前我的身材都非常好,但過去七年我都不斷在偷懶 (潔西卡透露了自己的年紀,呵呵所以現在她是28歲 跟Leahㄧ樣!) 但我的飲食健康而且每餐都吃的很少,雖然我現在都偷懶,ㄧ個月才去幾次健身房,但好險我的肌肉都還在!我猜我懶得去健身房原因也是因為我不管有沒有去,我的身材也都沒有什麼太大差別。
Most of my life I did some sport, like gymnastics, tap dancing, tennis, karate, soccer, volleyball and more. When I was 18 I stopped all that and started going to the gym every other day! I was in the best shape of my life by 21 but during the last 7 years I have kind of slacked off. I still eat healthy small meals but I haven't seemed to have lost my muscle mass by much even though I only go a couple times a month now. I think I just got bored, especially since I didn't see any huge repercussions when I didn't work out.
♥ Please share your beauty tips and tricks. How long does it usually take for you to dress up and put on makeup before you go out?
It really depends! If I am going out and I know there will be photos taken, I could get ready for up to 2 hours! If I plan on just running out the door to meet someone or get somewhere (like before they close!) I could get ready in 10 minutes to 1 hr! In that case I always have to put my hair up and wear foundation + blush with some eyebrow filling and eyeliner.
♥ Do you sometimes feel overexposed as a fashion blogger?
No, because as a blogger it is up to me to decide what to reveal!
♥ What do you find yourself sexiest in? 妳覺得自己穿上什麼最性感?
Generally speaking - black lace, form fitting items, high heels and a great perfume.
♥ Do you always look so "put together"? Do you sometimes get comfortable and dress down with sneakers and sweat pants?
我從來不穿運動大寬褲而且我也ㄧ件都沒有。但我喜歡穿牛仔褲或綁腳褲加上ㄧ件簡單上衣的穿搭,而且我常常穿平底鞋或是夾腳拖鞋。但我不會在我的部落格上放這些穿搭,你也知道...大家都知道怎麼隨性穿搭 呵呵!
I don't ever wear sweat pants, I don't think I have any actually since the knees always gets stretched out and I don't like that! I wear jeans or leggings and just a shirt with slip on flats or flip flops all the time though. I don't show those outfits because everyone knows how to dress down :)
♥ What trend are you going to channel this Fall/ Winter?
我打算要穿很多的印花,不同的材質像是羊毛和毛呢,當然還有很多的配件!我現在正在為今年秋冬囤積我的時尚單品,像是過膝長靴,長外套, 帽子, 圍巾和手套這些重要單品。
I'm going for a lot of prints, textures (like wool and tweed) and accessories! I'm stocking up right now because I really don't have a lot of the key pieces, like knee high boots, long coats, hats, scarves and gloves.
♥ What are your hobbies besides fashion?
I manage to read a new book on my kindle app pretty much every few weeks. I've always loved reading and can never go long without craving a new book, much like some people crave sweets :) I also would draw and cook if I had more time!
♥ For my interview's "Hapatime exposed- rendezvous theme", I would love to know 'what is your favorite rendezvous spot with your girlfriends"?
我很喜歡Santana Row區,我其實跟大家都是約在那呢!
Probably Santana Row - it seems to be my favorite spot to meet up with anyone really!
可以把Forever21, H&M這些便宜的快時尚品牌和Michael Kors等設計師品牌完美詮釋
還有.... Leah還捕捉了潔西卡可愛的老外男友噢
♥ Congrats on your success in blogging Jessica! Tell us a little about you and what you have been doing in terms of life or career(of course I've already known everything about you but maybe you can tell us a bit further like if you're full time blogging and what inspires your fashion style)..or anything you want to share with our readers :)
我上大學時真心認為我應該畢業後就是要去ㄧ個大城市裡著名的廣告公司上班,所以我主修選擇了“廣告創意”,副修則是“工作室藝術” (註:工作室藝術用來廣泛的代表各種視覺藝術,如繪畫、油畫或雕塑等)。大學畢業後,我邊找工作邊先在我爸公司幫忙平面設計和網頁編輯。大學畢業時還很窮,所以我不想為了只為了替廣告公司上班就要離家,並自己負擔大城市昂貴的房租,而且我也無法想像見不到我親愛的男友....我真的會窮死!所以我決定待在家裡幫忙,同時我開始在網路上寫部落格...那時我真的猶豫不決,不知道自己要何去何從,我想這就是所謂的『25歲危機』吧!過沒多久,我的部落格流量變得很大,也開始越來越多人告訴我我應該當全職部落客。所以我開始全心全意投入寫部落格,同時順便幫忙我爸的公司。這樣已經持續兩年了,而且我真心喜歡!
I went to college thinking I was going to work at a really awesome ad agency in a big city like San Francisco. So I majored in Creative Advertising and minored in Studio Art (artist at heart). When I graduated I worked for my dad as a graphic designer and web editor while trying to figure out where to work. I wasn't ready to move out and pay thousands of dollars a month for rent and never see my boyfriend just so I could work at an ad agency. Most likely I would be scraping by. So I stayed home and took up fashion blogging in the meantime because I was so unsatisfied and couldn't make up my mind otherwise. I think it was like a quarter life crisis. Pretty soon I met some people who told me I should be making a living off of my blog because I put so much time into it and my traffic was worth getting paid for. So I work occasionally for my dad still but my blog has now been my full time job for over 2 years. I love it :)
♥ How do you like being a full-time fashion blogger? Share a typical work day with us.
我天生就是個夜貓子,所以我通常睡很晚,起床後開始回電子郵件,準備出門辦事,買些食物並拍些照片。回到家後運動ㄧ下,跟我男友相處並回電子郵件。接著開始寫文章,編輯照片還有回電子郵件!哈哈... 我的工作50%根本都是在電子郵件的溝通,你們有發現嗎?
I'm a natural night owl so I just like to get up late in the day, answer email, get ready to go out, usually run some errands, grab some food, shoot some pictures. Come home to workout, hang with my boyfriend or answer emails. Then I spend a few hours working on the post, editing photos and then answering more emails. As you can see, my job is 50% about emails!
♥ How do you like your hometown? Compared to NY, which do you like better? What are the fashion differences?
我來自北加州,我對北加, 南加, 和紐約有很錯綜複雜的感情。北加州比較低調且隨性,所以我常常覺得我穿的太誇張了!但因為我抗壓性比較低ㄧ點...所以偶爾還是想穿的隨便隨性點。紐約是個很花花綠綠, 忙碌, 瘋狂, 步調很快且非常昂貴的ㄧ個大城市。紐約是個新時代, 性感的時尚之都,而且所有的設計師品牌都源自紐約,所以我還是很喜歡紐約!南加應該算是北加和紐約的綜合體- 有很多的時尚人但卻又不失加州隨性海灘風。
I have mixed feelings about northern California (my home), southern California and New York. Northern California is really laid back, low key and casual. I often feel over dressed but I do love being relaxed since I don't handle stress that well. New York is fancy. Busy, crazy and stressful. It is often overwhelming and very expensive. I love New York though because the fashion is on fire there. Sleek, sexy, polished and often everything is designer brand. Southern California is probably the best combination of busy New York and relaxed NorCal with a lot of fashionable people but also still pretty chill with the beach vibe.
♥ How would you describe your style?
我的穿搭多元,跟得上潮流,優雅。 My style is versatile, on trend, polished and balanced.
♥ Do you play any sports or exercise regularly? If so, please tell us what makes you love building up that sweat! Could you also please share a pic of your sporty outfit?
十八歲前我做很多的運動像是體操, 踢踏舞, 網球, 空手道, 足球, 排球等等。但我十八歲後就沒有再繼續做那些運動了,我幾天會去ㄧ次健身房。二十一歲前我的身材都非常好,但過去七年我都不斷在偷懶 (潔西卡透露了自己的年紀,呵呵所以現在她是28歲 跟Leahㄧ樣!) 但我的飲食健康而且每餐都吃的很少,雖然我現在都偷懶,ㄧ個月才去幾次健身房,但好險我的肌肉都還在!我猜我懶得去健身房原因也是因為我不管有沒有去,我的身材也都沒有什麼太大差別。
Most of my life I did some sport, like gymnastics, tap dancing, tennis, karate, soccer, volleyball and more. When I was 18 I stopped all that and started going to the gym every other day! I was in the best shape of my life by 21 but during the last 7 years I have kind of slacked off. I still eat healthy small meals but I haven't seemed to have lost my muscle mass by much even though I only go a couple times a month now. I think I just got bored, especially since I didn't see any huge repercussions when I didn't work out.
♥ Please share your beauty tips and tricks. How long does it usually take for you to dress up and put on makeup before you go out?
It really depends! If I am going out and I know there will be photos taken, I could get ready for up to 2 hours! If I plan on just running out the door to meet someone or get somewhere (like before they close!) I could get ready in 10 minutes to 1 hr! In that case I always have to put my hair up and wear foundation + blush with some eyebrow filling and eyeliner.
♥ Do you sometimes feel overexposed as a fashion blogger?
No, because as a blogger it is up to me to decide what to reveal!
♥ What do you find yourself sexiest in? 妳覺得自己穿上什麼最性感?
Generally speaking - black lace, form fitting items, high heels and a great perfume.
♥ Do you always look so "put together"? Do you sometimes get comfortable and dress down with sneakers and sweat pants?
我從來不穿運動大寬褲而且我也ㄧ件都沒有。但我喜歡穿牛仔褲或綁腳褲加上ㄧ件簡單上衣的穿搭,而且我常常穿平底鞋或是夾腳拖鞋。但我不會在我的部落格上放這些穿搭,你也知道...大家都知道怎麼隨性穿搭 呵呵!
I don't ever wear sweat pants, I don't think I have any actually since the knees always gets stretched out and I don't like that! I wear jeans or leggings and just a shirt with slip on flats or flip flops all the time though. I don't show those outfits because everyone knows how to dress down :)
♥ What trend are you going to channel this Fall/ Winter?
我打算要穿很多的印花,不同的材質像是羊毛和毛呢,當然還有很多的配件!我現在正在為今年秋冬囤積我的時尚單品,像是過膝長靴,長外套, 帽子, 圍巾和手套這些重要單品。
I'm going for a lot of prints, textures (like wool and tweed) and accessories! I'm stocking up right now because I really don't have a lot of the key pieces, like knee high boots, long coats, hats, scarves and gloves.
♥ What are your hobbies besides fashion?
I manage to read a new book on my kindle app pretty much every few weeks. I've always loved reading and can never go long without craving a new book, much like some people crave sweets :) I also would draw and cook if I had more time!
♥ For my interview's "Hapatime exposed- rendezvous theme", I would love to know 'what is your favorite rendezvous spot with your girlfriends"?
我很喜歡Santana Row區,我其實跟大家都是約在那呢!
Probably Santana Row - it seems to be my favorite spot to meet up with anyone really!
♥ Any life or fashion suggestions to our lovely readers who are also passionate about fashion?
One of the most important things in fashion is to be comfortable with what you are wearing. On the other hand "they" always say to get out of your safe zone. My tip is to always think about balance. If you don't think your outfits are exciting enough but wearing red scares you, go for a very dark red, one that looks almost like black. If high heels are equally frightening but you know they can have a huge impact on your look - perhaps even going to far to make it or break it (for example - you must wear high heels with loose capri pants) then try out some kitten heels. Work up from there. Challenge yourself, try something new.
One of the most important things in fashion is to be comfortable with what you are wearing. On the other hand "they" always say to get out of your safe zone. My tip is to always think about balance. If you don't think your outfits are exciting enough but wearing red scares you, go for a very dark red, one that looks almost like black. If high heels are equally frightening but you know they can have a huge impact on your look - perhaps even going to far to make it or break it (for example - you must wear high heels with loose capri pants) then try out some kitten heels. Work up from there. Challenge yourself, try something new.
♥ Any quotes you live by? 妳的人生座右銘?
Attitude is little thing that makes a big difference. You can be happy no matter what :)
歡迎來我的官方網站玩耍:Lipstick Catwalk(直接點)