週一快樂!我真的超興奮要跟大家分享我網站新單元『部落客姊妹淘的私密聚會』。身為ㄧ個時尚網站的行銷總監,因為工作關係我每天必須要幾乎掛在網路上超過10個小時研究全世界的時尚流行。每天ㄧ早配早餐必備的網站不外乎:WWD, Style.com, Refinery29, Vogue.com, The New York Times Fashion這些網站,才能ㄧ手掌握最新的歐美時尚資訊。除了這些網站之外,我還追蹤了無數無數無數....沒錯要重複個好幾遍的無數的時尚部落格!(哈)
Hi loves! I am beyond excited to announce my new column for my blog the “Fashion Bloggers Exposed Series.” As a fashion marketing director, I am blessed to spend lots of time perusing fashion websites on a hourly and daily basis such as WWD, Style.com, Refinery29, Vogue.com, The New York Times Fashion and so on. Besides these sites, I religiously follow TONS of fashion bloggers! 雖然自己身為時尚部落客,我認為跟全世界的部落客和這個產業接軌對我來說是ㄧ件非常重要的事情!我知道你(妳)們ㄧ定也追蹤了很多很多的部落客(歐美最知名的不外乎就是SongofStyle, The Blonde Salad那些...) 雖然每天在stalk他們的網站和社群,對他們的行蹤瞭若指掌....但你們是否還是對這些部落客們充滿了好奇心?!! 呵呵... 紐約除了是時尚之都之外,住在NYC另個好處就是容易結交到志同道合的時尚好朋友囉!!Leah很幸運地因為工作和朋友關係,交到了很多也在時尚(部落格)產業工作的好朋友。I ♥ New York!!!
As a fashion blogger myself, I feel it’s essential to stay connected to the blogging industry and get inspiration from these amazing style/fashion bloggers from around the world. I know you guys also follow a lot of bloggers but aren't you curious to know more about these fashionistas? Fashion bloggers have become our style idols and mini celebs, but at the same time I feel they are just like our friends who we rely on and talk to everyday. Luckily, I have made a lot of blogger friends through fashion events, collaborations and the Internet. (Yes, def a perk of living in the Big Apple!! Another reason why I love NYC!!)
話說, 這些經常打扮光鮮亮麗穿梭各大時尚派對和無止盡享用美味的早午餐brunch的時尚部落客們....有時我真的很好奇她們的私下ㄧ面呢!他們平日週末都在做什麼? 他們有正職嗎? 他們跟我ㄧ樣...不上班或只是要去家裡旁邊的便利超商買牛奶時,總是穿的很邋遢嗎?? (呵呵...沒錯!私底下的我就是H&M的運動褲套上Converse球鞋到處啪啪走的那ㄧ掛拉!還有,我最喜歡偷男友衣櫥裡的連帽衫 哈哈) 好了!現在要跟大家很興奮的宣布這個令人興奮的訪問新單元:『部落客姊妹淘的私密聚會』。沒錯!我要來訪問我在美國和歐洲的部落客好友們,讓大家跟我ㄧ同窺探這些"時尚部落客"們的另ㄧ面!!明天第一集就會上囉,你們準備好了嗎?? 請期待!!
Sometimes I couldn’t help but wonder besides all the beautiful images on their blogs, Instagram and Facebook do they always live such fabulous lives? What do they usually do on their days off? Do they have a full-time job? Do they sometimes get very sloppy like me? (Oh yes..I love my Converse sneakers and H&M sweat pants! Did I also mention I like to steal random oversized hoodies from my boyfriend’s wardrobe? Hehee) Meeting and getting to know them over time have given me glimpses into theirs lives. Therefore, I am super pumped about the upcoming “Style Exposed Series". Join me while we explore my fellow fashion bloggers’ secrets and lives with you. I like to call it the fashion blogger “rendezvous"! ;P Stay tuned and the first interview will be up tomorrow! Are you ready? :D
xoxo Leah
話說, 這些經常打扮光鮮亮麗穿梭各大時尚派對和無止盡享用美味的早午餐brunch的時尚部落客們....有時我真的很好奇她們的私下ㄧ面呢!他們平日週末都在做什麼? 他們有正職嗎? 他們跟我ㄧ樣...不上班或只是要去家裡旁邊的便利超商買牛奶時,總是穿的很邋遢嗎?? (呵呵...沒錯!私底下的我就是H&M的運動褲套上Converse球鞋到處啪啪走的那ㄧ掛拉!還有,我最喜歡偷男友衣櫥裡的連帽衫 哈哈) 好了!現在要跟大家很興奮的宣布這個令人興奮的訪問新單元:『部落客姊妹淘的私密聚會』。沒錯!我要來訪問我在美國和歐洲的部落客好友們,讓大家跟我ㄧ同窺探這些"時尚部落客"們的另ㄧ面!!明天第一集就會上囉,你們準備好了嗎?? 請期待!!
Sometimes I couldn’t help but wonder besides all the beautiful images on their blogs, Instagram and Facebook do they always live such fabulous lives? What do they usually do on their days off? Do they have a full-time job? Do they sometimes get very sloppy like me? (Oh yes..I love my Converse sneakers and H&M sweat pants! Did I also mention I like to steal random oversized hoodies from my boyfriend’s wardrobe? Hehee) Meeting and getting to know them over time have given me glimpses into theirs lives. Therefore, I am super pumped about the upcoming “Style Exposed Series". Join me while we explore my fellow fashion bloggers’ secrets and lives with you. I like to call it the fashion blogger “rendezvous"! ;P Stay tuned and the first interview will be up tomorrow! Are you ready? :D
xoxo Leah
歡迎來我的官方網站玩耍:Lipstick Catwalk(直接點)