(刷具保養)家中的刷俱多久沒有清洗了呢?how long have not you washed your brushes?

(刷具保養)家中的刷俱多久沒有清洗了呢?how long have not you washed your brushes?
現在女孩們 對於外在非常的講究 家中化妝品一定玲瓏滿目 除了一般用手上妝之外 家中有畫妝的女孩們
但是 想想自己家中的刷具有多久沒有保養、清潔了?
如果沒有來彩妝學校讀書的話 我想想之前在台灣的時候 自己家中的刷具大概也是~~~
想到才會清潔~哈哈 回想起來 真的還滿~~~~~(刷具保養)家中的刷俱多久沒有清洗了呢?how long have not you washed your brushes?
仙仙現在位於加拿大的彩妝學校 除了衛生來說還是衛生 所以刷具是最直接接觸皮膚的第二雙手
在使用之前都必須清洗一次 老師還會不定期的檢查我們的刷具勒~~可是很嚴格的唷(刷具保養)家中的刷俱多久沒有清洗了呢?how long have not you washed your brushes?
Nowadays most of women  care about how to wearing make up ,
and there are hundreds of cosmetic in your  house!!
Excepting for wearing make up by hands , on the ohter equipments are brushes~
but think about how long have not you  cleaned your brushes?
I never noticed that how important the task is until taking the make up class
I am taking the class in BMC in Vancouver , they  are really caring about the
"Hygiene issues "
so that we have to clean them before we use them and then
our teacher alwasys check how clean they are !!
it is sort of seriously !!
anyway~let's go into the subject
(刷具保養)家中的刷俱多久沒有清洗了呢?how long have not you washed your brushes?
每次使用完刷具組都必須要清潔 所以仙仙索性就買一罐大瓶的來清潔
之前都是使用M.A.C  但是後來學校發放的是這款 brush cleaner 比M.A.C還要好使用
使用的量無需太多 就可以將刷具清潔乾淨 重點是 超快速就乾燥了!!(刷具保養)家中的刷俱多久沒有清洗了呢?how long have not you washed your brushes?
I used to use the cleaner of M.A.C,
and now i  am use to using the cleaner which it comes form school 
compare M.A.C to cinema secrets
CS one  is quicker drying than M.A.C one
also more cheaper than M.A.C~
it dosent need to use to big amount to clean them !!
(刷具保養)家中的刷俱多久沒有清洗了呢?how long have not you washed your brushes?
拿出小量杯或是其他的容器 倒入大概七八分滿或是低於八分也可以 看你要清潔的刷具量有多少
First: pouring into the small container
around seven part or less than seven
it depands how many brushes you are gonna clean ~
(刷具保養)家中的刷俱多久沒有清洗了呢?how long have not you washed your brushes?
將要清潔的刷具放入小量杯裡面 不用幾秒水藍色的潔潔劑 瞬間變成米白色
Second:putting brush into the cleaner  
the color of cleaner change from blue to beige within few seconds
(刷具保養)家中的刷俱多久沒有清洗了呢?how long have not you washed your brushes?
(刷具保養)家中的刷俱多久沒有清洗了呢?how long have not you washed your brushes?
(刷具保養)家中的刷俱多久沒有清洗了呢?how long have not you washed your brushes?
刷具過完清潔劑之後 再將刷具以左右左右大概來回個三次左右
以按壓的方式 將附在刷子上的水按壓在衛生紙上~(刷具保養)家中的刷俱多久沒有清洗了呢?how long have not you washed your brushes?
Third:after soaking  
  three or four times action
(刷具保養)家中的刷俱多久沒有清洗了呢?how long have not you washed your brushes?
但是這款刷具清潔劑完全可以清潔的很乾淨!!(刷具保養)家中的刷俱多久沒有清洗了呢?how long have not you washed your brushes?
In my cass, when the brush became dry after using gel 
it is hard to remove it !!
but the cleaner killl my problem~
(刷具保養)家中的刷俱多久沒有清洗了呢?how long have not you washed your brushes?
所以在清潔完眼影刷 等等之後 仙仙會將舊的清潔劑倒掉

換一杯新的 來清潔粉底刷(刷具保養)家中的刷俱多久沒有清洗了呢?how long have not you washed your brushes?
next one is the foundation brush which needs big amount of cleaner
so using new cleaner to clean it  again!!
(刷具保養)家中的刷俱多久沒有清洗了呢?how long have not you washed your brushes?
(刷具保養)家中的刷俱多久沒有清洗了呢?how long have not you washed your brushes?
個人不太建議將修容刷 跟蜜粉刷 泡入清潔劑清潔
因為毛量比較多 無論倒入多少清潔劑 全部的水分都會被刷具吸收進去
所以仙仙三不五時都會用手或是使用衛生紙來保養或清潔~(刷具保養)家中的刷俱多久沒有清洗了呢?how long have not you washed your brushes?
In my opinion i dont suggest you guys 
clean Blush Brush or Contour brush by  cleaner 
cuz they are combined of  thousands of hair  
no matter how much cleaner do you  use
it is all gonna be absorb into the brush~
So i usually clean them by hands or tissue(like pics)
(刷具保養)家中的刷俱多久沒有清洗了呢?how long have not you washed your brushes?
除了清潔之外 仙仙還要教大家基本如何維持刷具的性命
清潔完刷具之後 先使用衛生紙將殘餘刷俱的清潔劑壓乾之後 再將刷具已平躺式的方式晾乾
回想平常我們在清潔完刷俱具之後 是不是都將刷具以直放的方式晾乾呢?
其實是不對的(刷具保養)家中的刷俱多久沒有清洗了呢?how long have not you washed your brushes?
雖然有使用衛生紙將殘餘的水分吸乾 但是上面還是會殘餘水分 如果將刷具以直立的方式放取 那水分就是直直落下
handle的部分如果長期碰到水的話 就很容易壞掉或是遭受潮濕 所以相對的 刷具的性命就會比較不長久(刷具保養)家中的刷俱多久沒有清洗了呢?how long have not you washed your brushes?
希望大家看到仙仙的分享 趕緊清潔一下家中的刷具吧~
Except for cleaning , i wanna share how to  maintain the longevity of brushes are
we usually put them on the straight side after cleaning 
in reality, it is error
the redundant of cleaner is gonna  drop  down  to handle and ferrule
that the reason why the brushes are getting worse and worse~
plz after cleaning , just lay them dowm (like pic)~
jenny (仙仙)did my best  typed in english ,even thought i know it is not perfect 
i hope everybody will like it ~thx a lot
see u then!!


上一則:(彩妝學校)期待的第一天彩妝學校BMC開課了~第一天清點彩妝品 下一則:(邀稿*清潔保養)讓皮膚永遠呈現20歲狀態的小秘笈