the road to coachella

the road to coachella

Topshop本次以之前合作過短片的女星Kate Bosworth為靈感來源,設計出一系列為其量身打造出清爽,自然,隨心所欲的Kate風格,主題為the road to coachella。由攝影作品中經常可見拍攝者從中流露出的情感投射,透過鏡頭所表達出的情感有時建立於模特兒與攝影師的特殊聯結,本次不論是以發出的影片或硬照中,皆以疊影方式呈現耐人尋味的獨特風格,全都由Kate未婚夫Michael Polish執導掌鏡。為了在平價服飾品牌中殺出重圍,Topshop次次以令人驚艷的設計合作吸引大眾,最近更祭出購物滿100磅有全球免運費的優惠,快點以美麗的外衣迎接這即將到來的炎炎夏日吧!

the road to coachella

the road to coachella

the road to coachella

the road to coachella

the road to coachella

the road to coachella

the road to coachella

the road to coachella

the road to coachella

the road to coachella

the road to coachella

the road to coachella

the road to coachella

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